Achieving Goals | Elite Motivation | morning routine | Weight Loss
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My Secret Weapon For Fat Loss, Mental Clarity and a Kick Ass Morning.

You’re not a morning person. I get it. Having an elite morning ritual isn’t for you.

But what if you woke up every day on fire to get after your biggest goals? What if you had something to look forward to when the alarm clock goes off at 5:15AM that could get you to bounce out of bed?

For me, it’s making the perfect cup of coffee loaded with performance enhancing ingredients.  It has a surprisingly profound effect on how I start each day before the sun rises.

I’ve found that besides waking me up and putting me in a good mental state, it also has the following side effects: Suppressing hunger, losing weight, thinking faster and increased focus. It’s the secret code to total morning domination.

The ingredients to a life changing cup of coffee

On my non workout mornings, I always start the day with the following:

1, Boiling 8 oz premium coffee concentrate (I like Chameleon Cold Brew Concentrate the best) with 1 oz coconut coffee (dairy free) creamer
2. Pour boiled coffee and creamer into Magic Bullet cup
3. Add 2 tablespoons of grass-fed butter (MUST be Grass-Fed) , 2 tablespoons of Brain Octane MCT Oil and 3-4 drops of Stevia liquid for sweetness
4. Blend for 20 seconds

Intense sustained focus and energy with no hunger or crash. And it is the BEST tasting cup of coffee you will ever have.

Here’s s how it works:

-Bioflavonoids in coffee can actually make you smarter by intensifying neuronal firing in the brain. Premium coffee is higher in Bioflavonoids than the cheap stuff.

-Brain Octane Oil balances ghrelin and CCK, your hunger hormones, keeping you full until lunch.

-The saturated fat in grass-fed butter slows the absorption of caffeine, which gives you even energy for several hours instead of a caffeine spike and crash.

-Grass-fed butter also contains omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene, fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, CLA (a fatty acid with powerful fat-loss benefits), and antioxidants.

I’ve tried cheaper coffee, regular butter and plain MCT oil and it’s not nearly effective. Like anything you put in your body, go for the good stuff.

Try it and let me know what you think.