Archive for the ‘Weight Loss’ Category

Achieving Goals | Elite Motivation | morning routine | Weight Loss
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My Secret Weapon For Fat Loss, Mental Clarity and a Kick Ass Morning.

You’re not a morning person. I get it. Having an elite morning ritual isn’t for you. But what if you woke up every day on fire to get after your biggest goals? What if you had something to look forward to when the alarm clock goes off at 5:15AM that could get you to bounce […]

Men's Coaching | Weight Loss
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3 Things I Learned Losing 30 pounds and getting shredded in 90 days

My wife (then girlfriend) and I were lying on my couch drinking big glasses of Malbec wine and watching Game of Thrones when she dropped 6 words that would change my life: “Babe, you have a double chin.” Yikes. Not exactly the words that a guy about to start a nutrition business wants to hear. […]